you will find useful resources on E-commerce !
to success in e-commerce:
- Focussing
on your business- specialization in certain items
- Getting
continuous supplies-effective sourcing, dropping
- Shipping
effectively-choosing the optimum shipping channel
- Selecting
payment methods
- Best-payment.com:
- They say that they are the second largest processor
in the world, and is a global leader in electronic payment
services serving more than 700,000 merchant locations,
processing one out of every five VISA and MasterCard transactions
in the United States.
- epaymentsolutions
- paymentech.com
- PayPal: Note their Mobile
Effective marketing
- Building an impressive website: using softwares like Frontpage,
Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks etc, plugging-in scripts
and applets, sights and sounds.
- Publicizing your site:
- Keeping in touch with your customers:
- Others